Helm Nedir?

Helm, Kubernetes üzerinde çalışan ilk uygulama paketi yöneticisidir. Uygulama yapısının uygun helm-charts aracılığıyla tanımlanmasına ve basit komutlarla yönetilmesine olanak tanır. Tüm Helm komutlarını (helm cheat sheet) yazının devamında inceleyebilirsiniz.

Helm neden önemlidir? Çünkü bu, sunucu tarafı uygulamaların tanımlanma, saklanma ve yönetilme biçiminde büyük bir değişimdir. Helm’in benimsenmesi, mikro hizmetlerin toplu olarak benimsenmesinin anahtarı olabilir, çünkü bu paket yöneticisini kullanmak yönetimlerini büyük ölçüde basitleştirir.

Helm Kurulumu

Tek satırda Helm kurulumunu içeren yazıma bu bağlantıdan ulaşabilirsiniz

helm cheat sheet

Helm Cheat Sheet

Install and Uninstall Apps

Install an apphelm install [name] [chart]
Install an app in a specific namespacehelm install [name] [chart] –namespace [namespace]
Override the default values with those specified in a file of your choicehelm install [name] [chart] –values [yaml-file/url]
Run a test install to validate and verify the charthelm install [name] –dry-run –debug
Uninstall a releasehelm uninstall [release] [name]

Add, Remove, and Update Repos

Add a repository from the internethelm repo add [name] [url]
Remove a repository from your systemhelm repo remove [name]
Update repositorieshelm repo update

Plugin Management

Install pluginshelm plugin install [path/url1] [path/url2] …
View a list of all the installed pluginshelm plugin list
Update pluginshelm plugin update [plugin1] [plugin2] …
Uninstall a pluginHelm plugin uninstall [plugin]

List and Search Repos

List chart repositorieshelm repo list
Generate an index file containing charts found in the current directoryhelm repo index
Search charts for a keywordhelm search [keyword]
Search repositories for a keywordhelm search repo [keyword]
Search Helm Hubhelm search hub [keyword]

Chart Management

Create a directory containing the common chart files and directories (Chart.yaml, values.yaml, charts/ and templates/)helm create [name]
Package a chart into a chart archivehelm package [chart-path]
Run tests to examine a chart and identify possible issueshelm lint [chart]
Inspect a chart and list its contentshelm show all [chart]
Display the chart’s definitionhelm show chart [chart]
Display the chart’s valueshelm show values [chart]
Download a charthelm pull [chart]
Download a chart and extract the archive’s contents into a directoryhelm pull [chart] –untar –untardir [directory]
Display a list of a chart’s dependencieshelm dependency list [chart]

Perform App Upgrade and Rollback

Upgrade an apphelm upgrade [release] [chart]
Tell Helm to roll back changes if the upgrade failshelm upgrade [release] [chart] –atomic
Upgrade a release. If it does not exist on the system, install ithelm upgrade [release] [chart] –install
Upgrade to a version other than the latest onehelm upgrade [release] [chart] –version [version-number]
Roll back a releasehelm rollback [release] [revision]

Release Monitoring

List all the available releases in the current namespacehelm list
List all the available releases across all namespaceshelm list –all-namespaces
List all the releases in a specific namespacehelm list –namespace [namespace]
List all the releases in a specific output formathelm list –output [format]
Apply a filter to the list of releases using regular (Pearl compatible) expressionshelm list –filter ‘[expression]’
See the status of a releasehelm status [release]
See the release historyhelm history [release]
See information about the Helm client environmenthelm env

Download Release Information

Download all the release informationhelm get all [release]
Download all hookshelm get hooks [release]
Download the manifesthelm get manifest [release]
Download the noteshelm get notes [release]
Download the values filehelm get values [release]
Fetch release historyhelm history [release]

Get Help and Version Info

See the general help for Helmhelm –help
See help for a particular commandhelm [command] –help
See the installed version of Helmhelm version